This is the time of the season where the fans are going wild to save their favorites. If I too have a chance to throw some precious votes... why not? Who are safe? Danny? Adam? Kris? Allison? Matt? No one knows. Though the internet peeps think that Matt is going home... still no one is sure. It could be anyone.
Group performance was up first on the elimination night. All of them are blending now. That's lovely.
After the break a clip of top 5 celebrating the birthdays of DAnny and Allison. BAking and cake throwing... wow! the mess on the mansion is all around!
Result next...
All of the idols are lined up on the stage. Matt Giraud was called first. He says he feel good about his performance the other night. Ryan ask him to stands on the right side of the stage... not telling if he is safe or not... They are up in splitting two groups now.... geez! Danny Gokey is next and was ask to stand on the other side... left. Allison Iraheta is next and was ask to join DAnny. Kris Allen is next who joins Matt afterwards.
Adam Lambert is left... He might be the only sure SAFE... but not. He was ask by Seacrest to choose which group he thinks he belongs in. Adam says he loves everbody. "Base on last night?" he ask, and he joins Allison and Danny...
Seacrest announces that Adam, Danny and Allison are not the Bottom 3... guiding Adam to join Matt and Kris which he then introduced as the Bottom 3. Every one is in shock. Even Danny and Allison who look together awestruck. What do they expect??? grrr!
Natalie Cole arrives on stage after the break singing "Something's Gotta Give". She looks younger at her age... being in the industry for 4 decades.. wow! Her voice is still full though the performance is pitchy.
Another break and former Idol Winner, Taylor Hicks is back to rock on stage... He is missing the likability sparks that he had before. I can't feel his performance unlike before... sorry.
Before the break Seacrest sends someone to the safety stool... and that is Kris who joins Danny and Allison. Matt and Adam are left in the Bottom 2.
Jaime Foxx performs "Blame It" after the break. I dont like the whole performance... geez It was a total mess for me. I don't know.
The journey is about to end with the two who left in the Bottom 2. And finally, the moments of truth came. Over 47 million of votes... Adam is SAFE...
MATT is going home.
Matt sings out for the last time. Not worrying if he will be save or not. He seems relaxed and expect what happens. The performance is better than the other night.
So there Matt is finally sent home... I'm sad that he is already gone. I like the way he perform though he keeps on doing the "Timberlake Thing" always. I'm glad on what Kara says to him before the show ends, "One of the best things we did this season was save you".
I felt tired doing this now especially that my favorite is already gone... hahaha :D Just glad to know that this show is near to end in a month.
ONSE-han 4.0, Pumo-photographer Mode
13 years ago
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