Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I Been Hit

Yeah.. I been hit, heavily hit by Homesickness :(.

I thought my years of being alone will strengthens my feelings of being independent.. by myself, away from the wings of my family... specially my parents..well, I'm wrong again.


-deep sigh-

-very deep sigh-

I'm now chanting one of my favorite Hangad Song included on their "Pasko Naming Hangad" album.

-Simeon's Canticle -

Lord, let Your servant go in peace
For Your Word has been fulfilled.

A Child shall be born to the Virgin,
And His Name shall be called, "Emmanuel."

My own eyes have seen Your salvation
Which You have prepared for all men.

A Light shall reveal to the nations
And the glory of Your people, Israel.

A passage from book of Luke which I first heard years back in Advent Season....

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